Blog Posts: Communication
How do You Find Your Blog Audience? You Don’t.»
That’s right: you don’t find your audience. They find you. Your job, as a blogger, is to make it easy for them to find you when they decide to look…
If Markets are Conversations, Blogs are Natural Marketing Platforms»
I don’t know how many of you have read the iconic book, The Cluetrain Manifesto, which was first published in 1999, the same year I moved to New Mexico. I…
Video: Ever Wonder How Those Little Images Appear Next to Comments?»
Make your comments on blogs and community websites more personal with your Globally Recognized Avatar: GRAVATAR. Many sites enable gravatars, which means yours will automatically appear next to your comment…
Design Team Roles for Best Results»
DOH! We recently had a glitch on a logo/web design project for which I take complete responsibility. Knowing the client was anxious to get the website completed, I tried to…
What Kinds of Businesses Can Benefit from Blogging?»
In response to the question, lots of people in the marketing, web, or social media business will tell you that blogging is for all businesses. In a moment of unbridled…
Blogging for Business: Where DO You Find the Time?»
A friend asked me the other day where I find the time to post. Part of my job (I’m an independent business owner, so I get to define my job…
What’s Wrong with Twitter»
Actually nothing is wrong with Twitter, the application. The Twitter app is great, perhaps a work of genius. The problem lies with the culture that has developed around Twitter. I’m…