Blog Posts: Communication
Social media may be harmful to your personal well-being (but it can still be good for your business)»
There are several studies and articles over the last few years (google: ‘facebook makes us sad’) pointing to social media decreasing our happiness and sense of well-being. And it’s not…
10 Things Every Business Website Needs»
Web design and web designers are subject to fads. The proliferation of ready-made templates and themes (adhering to the latest web design fads) encourages shoe-horning content into presentation models that often don’t address real-world needs of business websites.
Why I’m abandoning a land line altogether: bye bye Qwest!»
At the end of June, I’ll be abandoning Qwest service entirely, saving about $56/month on phone service. Not that $56/month is outrageous; it’s actually a good bit less than what I pay Tmobile every month, although there really is no comparison between what I can do on my Tmobile-powered Android and what I can do with the land line, which has become pretty useless.
Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies, Part 10: Not Hiring a Writer to Get Clear, Crisp, Compelling Copy»
There’s a myth in website design that “no one reads the copy.” It’s not entirely true. While most of the people who visit your website will not read most of…
Is “Good Enough” Really Good Enough?»
We live in an era of commodification of services. Many of the services that relied on people with specialized skills and expertise a decade ago can be accomplished by low-skilled…
Launching Another WordPress Site: Talatek, LLC»
Obviously, we’ve been busy: TalaTek’s website is the fourth we’ve launched in a month (the third in little more than a week), with more in the works. This pace would…
Having a website? Meaningless. Using a website? Priceless.»
Most people think having a website has value. They’re wrong. Lots of people and businesses and organizations have websites (although as recently as a year ago, only 37% of US…
Throwing the Yellow Flag for Improper Use of Images in a Blog Post»
One of the best things you can do to set the tone of a blog post and encourage people to read beyond the heading is to include an image. Most…
If My Reader Could Contain Only 10 Feeds»
I have a lot of blogs and news sources in my reader. So many I can’t possibly read them all every day and stil get any work done. But there…
The Surest (and most common) Way for Companies to Shackle Their Social Media Efforts»
More and more companies seem to be getting the message: social media (blogging, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) presents great opportunities for making connections with their customers and would-be customers. And yet,…