Blog Posts: Marketing
What’s Wrong with Twitter»
Actually nothing is wrong with Twitter, the application. The Twitter app is great, perhaps a work of genius. The problem lies with the culture that has developed around Twitter. I’m…
Because The Light is Better Here»
It’s a punchline to an old joke you’ve probably heard, but just in case you haven’t, it goes like this:Coming out of a bar at night, George sees Harry, a…
12 Reasons Businesses Should NOT Blog»
Last week we posted 7 reasons for businesses to blog. We’re big supporters of blogging as a low-cost, high-effect means for companies to engage their market. But we recognize not…
7 Reasons for Businesses to Blog»
More and more, business owners are starting to understand that blogging has value for their businesses. But business blogs are still relatively new, and the vast majority of businesses don’t…
Business Survival is a Multiple-Choice Question»
Times are tough, and they’ll get tougher, according to just about every expert opinion you can find. Optimistic experts say the recession will last through 2010; pessimists forecast hardship for…
7 Ways to Get and Keep Me as a Subscriber to Your Blog»
I subscribe to a lot of blogs on a variety of subjects, and regularly find new blogs to add to my reader. I unsubscribe almost as regularly. When I first…
Part 7, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Failure to Install or Monitor Site Analytics»
You would think that a company that puts many thousands of dollars into its website would want to track website results to find out how many unique visitors it gets,…
Blogging for Business in New Mexico»
Evo operates in New Mexico, a state ranked at or near the bottom of the nation in too many business, economic development, public education, and social equity categories. I’m not…
Nine Steps to Featuring Customer Successes on Your Business Blog»
This is a Guest Post by Casey Hibbard of Compelling Cases Inc., author of Stories That Sell: Turn Satisfied Customers into Your Most Powerful Sales & Marketing Asset. For more…
Outside-In Design for More Usable, User-focused Websites»
There are few things more difficult than setting aside your own knowledge and assumptions to look at things from someone else’s perspective. (If that were not the case, political "discussion"…