Blog Posts: Marketing
Lessons from General Custer: Why Should You Have a Business Blog?»
There’s much talk and growing evidence that businesses that blog are realizing business benefits, including increased sales. Most business owners I talk to, however, are hesitant. They’ve heard about the…
Book Review: Stories that Sell by Casey Hibbard»
I’ve known Casey Hibbard for approximately five years, and have provided web design/development services for her. She has written some case studies, or “success stories” as she prefers, for my…
Part 6, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Too Much Stuff on the Home Page»
You’ve seen those homepages with 3 product lead-ins and 2 giveaways and NEW!!! special pricing and the latest news and a billboard about what the company stands for and the…
Part 5, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Having a “Splash” Page»
Splash pages represent a fundamental misunderstanding of the online medium. Often, they come from a print perspective (“books should have a cover”), or sometimes from a broadcast perspective (“a show…
Part 4, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Leaving the Website to the Webmaster or Web Designer»
Don’t get me wrong: web designers and programmers are critical to the process of creating a website. But they cannot manufacture a viable web presence without the ongoing interest and…
What You Can Learn from the How-Much-Does-a-Website-Cost Question»
Sometime during every first conversation or email exchange with a prospective client, we get asked the how-much-does-it-cost question. We understand people’s need to weigh value, and we don’t mind having…
Part 3, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Misunderstanding or Neglecting Information Architecture»
Information Architecture (IA) refers to the organization and presentation of information on your website. Sounds simple enough, but many website owners and designers give it very little (if any) thought.…
Part 2, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Creating a Website that Doesn’t Accurately Represent Your Company»
Maybe you saw another company’s website and decided you wanted one just like it. Same bells, same whistles, same cheesy photo of two disembodied hands sealing the deal on the…
Part 1, Why Bad Websites Happen to Good Companies: Thinking of the Company Website as an Online Brochure»
Ah, the good old days, when the web was a simpler place: you could just take your company brochure and put it online. Often, the only interactive feature was an…
Why Online Language Translation Applications Are a Bad Idea»
One of the blogs I follow recently recommended an online translation application. For some reason, I was not able to submit a comment on the post, so I’ll air my…