When your website means business.

«Return to Blog List An Invitation to All New Mexico Business and Professional Bloggers

I did something out of character a couple of days ago. I started a LinkedIn group: New Mexico Bloggers. For the most part, I’m not a group kind of guy (at least not in an active sort of way), but I want to encourage business and professional blogging in New Mexico, and this is one way of doing it. Ideally, such a group could provide both support and connections for New Mexico bloggers.

A lot of what happens with the group depends on me getting the ball rolling. So I have some work to do. LinkedIn is not quite the platform I had hoped it would be (a lot of spammers and blatant self-promoters), but it’s possible to have meaningful group interaction in a self-policing group.

The group will be platform-agnostic. We really don’t care whether your blog is on WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Drupal, or any other platform. All bloggers have certain things in common, from the “blank screen” to strategic issues about how to grow your audience and how to utilize your blog to reach business and professional goals.

And then of course, there is the issue of blogging in New Mexico, a state that’s often behind the curve in technology and related trends. While I don’t see blogging as primarily a technological activity (the technology aspect is relatively trivial), most of the people I’ve talked to who don’t blog cite technology as one of the barriers for them (“I’m just not a computer person!”). To me that’s like refusing to drive to a restaurant because you’re “not a car person,” but that’s another blog post.

So this is an invitation to all business and professional bloggers: meet me (and hopefully a lot of other New Mexico bloggers) on LinkedIn for discussions and other forms of group therapy. I’d like to create some in-person meetups as well, if the interest level supports them.

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