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«Return to Blog List WordCamp Albuquerque: beyond expectations by any measure (and some code)

I spent an amazing weekend with a bunch (more than 212) of WordPress folks in Albuquerque this past weekend. Which means that for the first time in a while, I didn’t spend the weekend catching up on what I should have been able to accomplish during the week. So I’m catching up today (mostly), but wanted to take time to share personal highlights:

  • Getting to work with great folks from ABQ and Santa Fe, including organizers/iron women Karen Arnold and Jenifer de la Garza (and their ever-helpful husbands Al and Rudy, respectively); fellow presenters Aryon Hoselton, Damian Taggart, and Sean Wells; and volunteers Guy Olds, James Tucker, Mildred Griffee, and others I am no doubt overlooking (with apologies).
  • Meeting Lance Willett (Tucson), Joseph Scott (Salt Lake City), and Kevin Conboy (Denver), all from Automattic. Great guys who contributed a great deal to the quality of the event.
  • Meeting various attendees. Some who gave me their cards or have contacted me since WordCamp via email or a social media channel: Cara Christenson, Bill and Merry Stubblefield, Mark Carrara, and others.
  • Giving my presentation to an appreciative and generous audience who participated and asked questions. Interrupted briefly by attractive redhead taking my picture (later tweeting about my resemblance to Eddie Izzard. Not researching Mr. Izzard: might not be a compliment).
  • Getting to help some people in WordDoctor session, an event in which various designer/developers donned lab coats and sat at individual tables, with people bringing specific issues they were having with their WordPress blogs/websites.
  • Participating in designer/developer forum Sunday with Aryon Hoselton, Kevin Conboy, and Joseph Scott. Again, generous and participating audience who made the session with their questions.

The entire event was characterized by generosity, from sponsors to presenters to volunteers to attendees. Truly beyond our expectations.

And to top things off, during a slow period in the WordDoctor session, Damian Taggart of Mindshare Studios (and his sidekick, whose name I cannot recall) resolved an issue I was having with a query on a client website. This is a query for showing current exhibitions (custom post type) for the Museum of Contemporary Native Art, part of IAIA. Custom field values for exhibition start and end dates are compared against today’s date. Any exhibition with the start date less than or equal to today and an end date greater than or equal to today will appear on the listing page. I guess I’m becoming a geek; only a geek could work a code snippet into a thank you post. For any designer/developers who might be reading:

    'posts_per_page' => 6,
    'paged' => $paged,
    'meta_key' => 'start_date',
    'orderby' => 'meta_value',
    'order' => 'ASC',
    'meta_query'=> array(
        'key' => 'end_date',
        'value' => $today,
        'compare' => '<=',
        'type' => 'CHAR'
if ($schedule->have_posts()) :
    while ($schedule->have_posts()) : $schedule-> the_post();

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