«Return to Blog List Making Microsoft Internet Explorer Behave
I’ve heard that IE9 and IE10 are supposed to be compliant with web standards, particularly IE10. And according to the browser emulation tool I use, and according to most people who use these browsers, that seems to be the case. But I have a client with an about-to-be-launched website that shows me screenshots of the site in IE10 and it looks terrible: it’s not rendering CSS3 effects at all. No rounded corners. Dropdown menus that drop behind sliders. Block items not showing at their full height. Just generally a bad-looking website.
What I thought was particularly odd was that most IE9/IE10 browsers rendered the site correctly. So I did some research. Seems that sometimes (for a variety of reasons, none of which make any sense to me, but I’m a Mac guy; what do I know about the strange and mysterious world of Microsoft?) compatibility in IE9 and IE10 has to be “forced.” As though the browsers were a couple of recalcitrant juveniles that would skip school unless driven to the front door and dragged by the ear to their first class.
So, I found this code. Essentially, it drags IE9 and IE10 by the ear and makes them sit up straight and pay attention to CSS3 and other modern web standards:
From now on, it goes in the header of all my websites.
Tags: Code, Development