When your website means business.

ACF | Type: PHPNested Repeater

How to display a repeater within a repeater (with conditionals).

if (have_rows('schools_in_region')) : // check for rows (parent repeater)
    echo '<div class="schoolist">';
    while (have_rows('schools_in_region')): the_row(); // loop through rows (parent repeater)
    $district = get_sub_field('school_district');
        echo '<h4>'.$district.'</h4>';
        if (have_rows('school')) : // check for subrepeater
            while (have_rows('school')): the_row(); // loop through subrepeater
            $school = get_sub_field('school_name');
            $mascot = get_sub_field('mascot_name');
            $link = get_sub_field('school_website');
            if ($school) {
                echo '<p>';
                if ($link) {
                    echo '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">';
                echo $school;
                if ($link){
                    echo '</a>';
                if ($mascot) {
                    echo '<br> ('.$mascot.')';
                echo '</p>';
            endwhile; //end subrepeater loop
        endif; //end subrepeater
    endwhile; //end parent repeater loop
endif; //end parent repeater

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