When your website means business.

Snippets: ACF

ACF Images: ID»

By using the ID, you can retrieve any crop size of the image and even get the name of the file!
ACF | Type: PHP

ACF Images: Image Array»

Select'Image Object' option to access an array of image attributes. Useful for thumbnail support.
ACF | Type: PHP

ACF Nested Repeater»

How to display a repeater within a repeater (with conditionals).
ACF | Type: PHP

ACF Pro Site Options»

For some reason, this HAS to be added to functions.php; MU plugin does not work.
ACF | Type: PHP

ACF Repeater Gallery (Image Array)»

This example shows a full page width, with 4 gallery images across. The 'rel="lightbox"' bit triggers the modal window for the lightbox plugin.
ACF, Gallery | Type: PHP

ACF Repeater Random Set»

This example is for options, which would perhaps appear in the footer. $randomquotes = get_field('random_quotes', 'option'); $row_count = count($randomquotes); $i = rand(0, $row_count - 1); echo '<p class="quote">'.$randomquotes[$i]['quote'].'<br>'; echo '<span…
ACF | Type: PHP

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