When your website means business.

Snippets: Images

Display Featured Image on Listing»

How to add featured image to other post types. ADD TO THEME FUNCTIONS // This theme uses post thumbnails add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'plans','listings','news','post' ) ); ON POST-TYPE SPEC 'supports' =>…
Images, PHP, WP/CP | Type: PHP

Sliding Image Background»

Cool effect if you have a good enough reason and a wide enough image.
CSS, CSS3, Images | Type: CSS

Specify minimum size for image upload»

//specify minimum size for uploaded images (including featured images) add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter','tc_handle_upload_prefilter'); function tc_handle_upload_prefilter($file) { $img=getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $minimum = array('width' => '300', 'height' => '300'); $width= $img[0]; $height =$img[1]; if ($width < $minimum['width']…
Images, WP/CP | Type: PHP

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