Animate as Item Enters Viewport
Nice piece of work from Chris Coyier.
Animation, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery | Type: Javascript
Animate on Scroll Library (AOS)
Animates block items as you scroll and they enter the viewport.
Animation, CSS3, Javascript | Type: Javascript
CSS Animations and Transitions
CSS syntax and examples.
Animation, CSS3 | Type: CSS
CSS Border Radius
Can hardly remember what it was like in the old days when we wanted rounded corners.
CSS3 | Type: CSS
CSS Transitions
Some transition basics.
Animation, CSS3 | Type: CSS
CSS3 Multiple Columns
Unfortunately, this is buggy with uneven column lengths. There may be some javascript that does this better.
CSS3 | Type: CSS
Flexible Content
Uses display:flex; to reorganize content on smaller devices.
CSS3 | Type: CSS
HTML5 Toggle Search
First, add HTML5 support to functions.php
CSS3, Search, WP/CP | Type: CSS
Linear Gradients
Add gradients without the use of background images.
CSS3 | Type: CSS
RBGA Backgrounds and Shadows
Provides more flexibility and animation potential.
CSS3 | Type: CSS