CPT, PHP, WP/CP | Type: PHPUpload folders for Custom Post Types

Create a folder within wp-content/uploads that will contain uploads for each custom post type.

function wpse_16722_type_upload_dir( $args ) {

    // Get the current post_id
    $id = ( isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ? $_REQUEST['post_id'] : '' );

    if( $id ) {    
       // Set the new path depends on current post_type
       $newdir = '/' . get_post_type( $id );

       $args['path']    = str_replace( $args['subdir'], '', $args['path'] ); //remove default subdir
       $args['url']     = str_replace( $args['subdir'], '', $args['url'] );      
       $args['subdir']  = $newdir;
       $args['path']   .= $newdir; 
       $args['url']    .= $newdir; 
    return $args;
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'wpse_16722_type_upload_dir' );

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