Responsive Tabs to Accordian
At chosen break point, tabs become an accordian.
CSS, Responsive | Type: Javascript
Self-clearing Floats (Dan Cederholm)
Clears items following floated objects.
CSS | Type: CSS
Set Cookie, Change Content (or change class)
Using a cookie to change content for repeat visits.
Cookies, CSS, PHP | Type: PHP
Show/hide text with row truncate (CSS only)
This avoids the mid-word break of the other show/hide snippet by selecting number of rows to show.
CSS | Type: CSS
Sliding Image Background
Cool effect if you have a good enough reason and a wide enough image.
CSS, CSS3, Images | Type: CSS
Styling Embedded Google Calendars
How to style a Google calendar in an iframe embedded on a page.
CSS, PHP | Type: CSS
Visually hidden, still available for screen readers
This is useful for hiding labels while relying on placeholder text for sighted visitors. The alternative (display:none;) hides items from screen readers. clip-path: inset(100%); clip: rect(1px [...]
CSS | Type: CSS
Yet Another Self-clearing Float
Have not tried this one.
CSS | Type: CSS