When your website means business.

Snippets: WP/CP

Connect to Separate Database»

The wpdb object can be used to access any database and query any table. Absolutely no need to be WordPress related, which is very interesting. The benefit is the ability…
DB Query, WP/CP | Type: PHP

Disable Gutenberg for selected Custom Post Types»

function my_disable_gutenberg( $current_status, $post_type ) { // Disabled post types $disabled_post_types = array( 'book', 'movie' ); // Change $can_edit to false for any post types in the disabled post types…

Display Debugging status on Admin Bar»

Code shared by CodePotent; goes in your theme functions file. function codepotent_debug_notifier_register_admin_bar() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { return; } global $wp_admin_bar; $label = esc_html__(' Debugging DISABLED ', 'codepotent-debug-notifier'); if (defined('WP_DEBUG')) { if (WP_DEBUG…
WP/CP | Type: PHP

Display Featured Image on Listing»

How to add featured image to other post types. ADD TO THEME FUNCTIONS // This theme uses post thumbnails add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'plans','listings','news','post' ) ); ON POST-TYPE SPEC 'supports' =>…
Images, PHP, WP/CP | Type: PHP

Display the Title for the Posts / Blog Page»

You can’t use the standard the_title(); template tag for the page name of the page that displays the blog listing (index.php); that tag will display the latest blog post title…
PHP, Template Tags, WP/CP | Type: PHP

Eliminate Caching on Specific Page Templates and Post Types»

Put in your theme’s header.php file: <?php if (is_page_template('page_eventslist.php')) { //conditional, if desired header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); } ?>
CPT, WP/CP | Type: PHP

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