Force Private Post
Have used this for user-created content that is not for public.
Custom Admin, Users, WP/CP | Type: PHP
Generate SALT / Auth Keys
Add the keys in wp-config.php
Security, WP/CP | Type: PHP
Get Full Current URL
$url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));
WP/CP | Type: PHP
Gravity Forms: Setting Payments Number before Termination of Subscription
A variation from the code found at the reference link, to accommodate different numbers of payments for different feeds.
eCommerce, Forms, WP/CP | Type: PHP
HTML5 Toggle Search
First, add HTML5 support to functions.php
CSS3, Search, WP/CP | Type: CSS
Incorporating Dashicons into Content and Templates
Two approaches for adding dashicons in HTML, using WordPress native CSS. <h2 class="dashicons-before dashicons-smiley">A Cheerful Headline</h2> <h2><span class="dashicons dashicons-smiley"></span> A Cheerful Headline</h2> Both would appear like [...]
WP/CP | Type: PHP
Move Yoast Metabox to Bottom
Yoast Metabox is huge, and it gets in the way of a lot of stuff. Move it to the bottom of the edit screen with this handy snippet.
WP/CP, Yoast | Type: PHP
Multiple Templates for Custom Post Type
Number of possible solutions; have not tested any of them yet. Maybe trying to make this too complicated: what about serving different template parts based on [...]
CPT, WP/CP | Type: PHP
Namespace; if function exists
PHP, WP/CP | Type: PHP
Patch count(): countable in wp-includes/post-template.php on line 284
Normally a bad idea to patch a WP core file, but here’s the patch: // original code: if ( $page > count( $pages ) ) //add [...]
PHP, WP/CP | Type: PHP