When your website means business.


A collection of (mostly) WordPress-related snippets and references I’ve found useful and worth keeping where I can find them. Feel free to use what you like, and point me to some better snippets or references.

PHP 7.2 Countable issue»

Before PHP 7.2 when passing a non-array to count(), it returned 1. With 7.2, count() emits a warning when you give it a non-array.
PHP | Type: PHP

Pre Get Posts»

Set up query parameters for different CPT archives.
WP Query | Type: PHP

Proportional scaling of a container»

There is more detail at the reference link for complex containers. .parent { height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */ position: relative; } .child { position: absolute; top: 0; left:…
CSS | Type: CSS

Pseudo Classes»

Some very handy classes and selectors to know.
CSS | Type: CSS

Pure CSS triangle»

Creates a triangle shape with nothing but CSS. Note that the border placement and color dictates triangle color and direction of pointer (opposite the visible border).
CSS | Type: CSS

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