When your website means business.


A collection of (mostly) WordPress-related snippets and references I’ve found useful and worth keeping where I can find them. Feel free to use what you like, and point me to some better snippets or references.

jQuery Better Show-Hide»

A show-hide that still works(?not tested lately); changes toggle content.
Javascript, jQuery | Type: Javascript

Linear Gradients»

Add gradients without the use of background images.
CSS3 | Type: CSS

More WordPress tags to PHP Variables»

$pix = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) ); $title = get_the_title( $ID ); $eventlink = get_the_permalink(); $excerpt = get_the_excerpt(); $url = get_template_directory_uri();
PHP | Type: PHP

Move Yoast Metabox to Bottom»

Yoast Metabox is huge, and it gets in the way of a lot of stuff. Move it to the bottom of the edit screen with this handy snippet.
WP/CP, Yoast | Type: PHP

Multiple Templates for Custom Post Type»

Number of possible solutions; have not tested any of them yet. Maybe trying to make this too complicated: what about serving different template parts based on user type? Added Multiple…
CPT, WP/CP | Type: PHP

Nested Repeater»

How to display a repeater within a repeater (with conditionals).
ACF | Type: PHP

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